Go on, have a poem. I insist.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Olympic Nightmare

I’m not awfully fussed, about this awful lot of fuss,
For what’s essentially a Lycra lover’s dream.
It’s not my place to say, but I’ll do it anyway,
These Olympics are not everything they seem.

“It’s the greatest show on earth”, no hint of irony or mirth,
That’s the bit that I find very hard to swallow,
“The Olympics will surprise you” Let me quietly advise you,
That the Chinese aren’t an easy act to follow.

“We’ll never see the like again”, the world’s most runny, jumpy men,
Will run and jump like no one ever has before.
But as far as I can see, it’s just a sports day on TV,
Except it’s costing over 13 billion more.

If you’re going by all means, please enjoy the festive scenes,
But remember al Qaeda want to kill you.
In summation as I see it, if you can then you should flee it,
Regardless of what Ryanair might bill you.

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