Go on, have a poem. I insist.

Monday 22 August 2011

Anyone for another game of Hide & Seek?

It looks like Gaddafi is out on his arse,
As North Africa’s ball and chain,
Support for the eejit would seem to be sparse,
But he’ll probably do a 'Saddam Hussein'.

They’ll storm his compound and what will they find?
A note signed off with a kiss,
"As you can see, you’re a step behind,
I’m long gone while you’re reading this. x".

He might’ve knocked on a neighbour’s door,
And asked him to do him a favour.
"Hi mate, can I just hide under your floor?
If not I’ll take your wife and enslave ‘er."

What if he’s got to the border?
It wouldn't surprise me at all
Found a way through all the disorder,
Or just gave is local cab firm a call.

Or maybe he’s got even further away,
He might’ve been gone for a week,
The last game NATO wanted to play,
Was anymore Arabic hide and seek.

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