Go on, have a poem. I insist.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Keeping My Options Open

I'm not looking forward to dying,
But I'll give it some thought if I must.
It'll happen, there's no point in crying,
So if I have to I'd like to spontaneously combust.

Spontaneous combustion is hard to arrange,
So I've thought of another idea.
Accidentally shot on a firing range,
Or strapped to a warhead in North Korea.

I'd consider being crushed by a Chinese tank,
Or shot on a grassy knole,
Wear a star of David around the West Bank,
Get a Palestinian boot up the hole.

Some polonium-210 mixed in with my tea,
Or a happy slap gone wrong.
Charged with murder in the land of the free,
If I did it or not, I'd be dead before long.

But then doctors are very clever.
What with medical advancements and all.
So I reckon I might live forever,
Or just die from injuries sustained in a fall.

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