Go on, have a poem. I insist.

Friday 11 November 2011

Drinking at home....

The advantage to sitting at home with a drink,
It loosens the cogs that control how you think,
The train of your thoughts can go on uncurtailed,
‘til drink really kicks in and your train is derailed.

But it’s not up to you to decide at which time,
You’re crossing the line and committing thought-crime.
Which explains the insistence on verbalisation,
Of thoughts which would curl the toes of a nation.

But alas you continue, you’re still undeterred,
Despite the disturbing messages inferred,
The perils of an uninhibited mind,
Like a visual joke, at expense of the blind.

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve had one or two,
I’m not keeping count, but you might add a few.
It’s a running total, so I’ll keep you updated,
But sobriety is without doubt overrated.

I’ve had ten.
And then,
Just one more,
Or four,
Then I’m done,
I have none, but there’s rum...

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