Go on, have a poem. I insist.

Monday 14 November 2011

The Unreasonable Fears of Modern Man - Pt.1

Is there someone behind you with sinister notions?
Have animals been tortured testing perfumes and lotions?
People go through your bins, with no measureable shame,
On the off chance they’ll find out your mum’s maiden name.

Take care of yourself, or you’ll catch a disease,
Cancer for instance – contracted with ease.
There’s nowhere that you can’t develop a tumour,
One ironic example – the vitreous humour,
It’s ironic because cancer’s entirely humourless,
Which is true if you’re riddled or entirely tumourless.

Don’t eat too much, or too little veg,
Unless you’re a fan of life on the edge.
Diarrhoea and constipation are no laughing matter.
With a fine line of fibre between former and latter.

Your health risks extend beyond merely food,
You’d do well to avoid the kid in the hood.
Ignore the optimistic notions that grab you,
He won’t want to help; he’ll probably stab you.

That man over there, did he look at that child?
He’s more than likely a paedophile,
Long gone are the days of milk and honey,
As the banks swallow up, and shit out your money,

And without any cash how can we be expected,
To get through life and remain uninfected,
By diseases, societal, physical and mental,
If the world’s gonna fuck you, then let’s hope it’s gentle.

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