Go on, have a poem. I insist.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

I mean no offence but...

As I sit in an office and take people in
Robot sardines packed into a tin
It’s striking how few people really stand out
As for genuine craic, there’s a terrible drought.

Yet surely these people have lives of their own
Whether living it up, or living alone
Maybe they have families, living in bliss
Give their robot wives a robot kiss

I’m aware that in work people tend to play down
The fact that they might be a ‘man about town’
Any interesting secrets are kept under wraps
Safe from sideways glances from god fearing chaps

In a room of one hundred there should easily be
Forty affairs and the odd divorcee
At least three of these people are terminally ill
And a few have secretly popped the odd pill

I refuse to believe that nobody here
Has been hospitalised through consumption of beer
But if inwardly people are how they appear
To appear as they do is my ultimate fear.


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