Go on, have a poem. I insist.

Tuesday 8 March 2011


I think before I launch into blogging to the billions of people on the internet (or the few sympathetic friends willing to entertain the drivel I produce), I should explain the point of the blog.

To be honest I'm not entirely sure there is one. I do enjoy writing the odd poem. Generally they're not serious in either content or topic, but I might surprise you. I also like the sound of my own voice, so for the good of noise pollution I'm going to try to write some things down instead.

I tried something like this before on that once beloved platform, Bebo. I started my own religion, gained myself a number of followers, and set myself up as the figurehead of the whole operation. It became something of a disaster. I couldn't handle the pressure of my 'flock' relying on me for sustenance and I had to give it up, leaving them without direction. I don't want a repeat of this, so I would ideally like people to contribute something of their own, either as comments or e-mails to me and I'll post them for you (and give you the credit obviously). I'd like it to be a communal effort.

I'm not sure whether you have to sign up to be able to comment, but it's very easy. If you have a google account you just use that.

We went through a nice little phase in the workplace where there were poems and Limericks flying back and forth. It was all very exciting, if a little abusive.

That'll do. We'll see how it goes. It might be a bit of craic...

1 comment:

  1. We had a messiah named Toner
    Because he gave us a rather large boner
    But he became a bit blunt
    So we thought him a cunt
    That incongruous old bastard named Toner

    There was a young lady named Clare
    Who had mountains of food to spare
    She made a new chum
    and said “oh please come”
    but with the Christians she couldn’t compare!
